Assemblies of God Missionaries in Lithuania
and Eurasia Northwest

We accelerate disciple-making and church planting movements by training and empowering catalytic leaders.

Our Ministry

Why we do what we do

Disciple-making results in church planting.

In Lithuania and Eurasia Northwest, we view disciple-making as the “secret sauce” of church planting movements. Jesus’ Great Commission requires that we make disciples that obey His teaching. Obedient disciples make disciples that make disciples.

Church planting movements are the result of disciple-making.

Church Planting Movements are the rapid multiplication of indigenous churches planting churches that sweeps through a people group or population segment. It is our vision that new disciples form new churches and that those churches form new churches. The rapid multiplication of churches cannot happen without disciples obediently making disciples.

Uniquely Called and Qualified

More than 22 years of living and ministering in Eurasia Northwest provide us a deep understanding of ministry issues, challenges, and opportunities.

Our administration, strategic planning, and compassion gifts are vital to the ongoing ministry in Eurasia Northwest.

God confirmed his call on our lives many times and in many ways. Friends, we are humbled at his calling and empowerment

Can you help us realize a church planting movement?

Our dream is to help recruit and train 5-6 new church planting team leaders, plus team members, for a total of 50 new missionaries for ENW! We can’t do this alone. You can invest financially in our disciple-making and church planting ministry! There are three ways you can help.

Monthly Support Team

Cash Offering



Training and Orientation

Teen Challenge

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My Favorite Books- 2021

My Favorite Books- 2021

These are my three favorite books from 2021 and my thoughts about them. The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth, by Beth Allison Barr. What an eye-opening book! Growing up as a pastor’s kid in the Assemblies of God (A/G),...

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How to Move Like a Boss

How to Move Like a Boss

How to Move Like a Boss! 25 Times! I have moved twenty-five times in my life. That comes out to a move of some kind every 26 or 27 months. Six of these were before I turned eighteen. Many of these have been international moves that included storage during long periods...

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The Most Important Piece of the Puzzle

The Most Important Piece of the Puzzle

What is your strategy to put together a puzzle? Kandra loves puzzles! When space and time allow, she frequently works on a puzzle. She works in the typical fashion for doing puzzles, corners, edges, separate the colors and patterns, work from the easiest to hardest....

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No one accidentally creates disciples. Discipleship is an intentional Pursuit.

Mike Breen- Building a Discipleship Culture

The Gospel is not just about my individual happiness or God’s plan for my life. It is about God’s plan for the world. 

Caesar Kalinowski- Small is Big, Slow is Fast: Leading your Family and Community on God’s Mission 

Effective evangelistic missions work occurs when we live generous, hospitable, Spirit-led, Christlike lives as missionaries in our own neighborhoods. 

Michael Frost- Surprise the World 

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Unit 13223
Savage, MN 55378

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1445 N Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
Account #249169

14125 Louisiana Ave S.
Unit 13223
Savage, MN 55378

Assemblies of God World Missions

1445 N Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
Account #249169